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Rep Us!

How To Rep Us?

  • You will be given a rep code to get up too 25% off your order along with free shipping when you order from our website. We will also mail you a signature T and stickers to stamp around.
  • Have your friends & family spend atleast $40 dollars using your rep code. 10 people = a free item of your choice with a sticker/button pack. 20 people = 2 free item of your choice with a sticker/button pack.
  • We will keep in track of your rep code and how many people used it. So dont be afraid to ask us about it! 

Get your friends & family to follow us on Facebook & Instagram & tell a friend to tell a friend! If you would like to join our Rep team, email us at [email protected] with your first and last name along with "Rep Team" in the subject line and we will get back to you soon as possible.